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Rare Footage from a Thai Forest

Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS)

“New camera traps are allowing conservationists to take brief video clips, which are providing a rare glimpse into wildlife behavior. WCS has released new camera trap footage from the wilds of Thailand’s Western Forest Complex, home to elephants, tigers, sun bears, and other rare animals.

The footage reveals intimate scenes of wildlife in action that few people ever see: A tigress and her cubs feed on a kill, leopards and dholes stop to investigate scents, and a clouded leopard—normally so heavily camouflaged that it can hide in plain sight—walks by.

The footage was taken over the past year from camera traps set up throughout the Western Forest Complex by WCS working in conjunction with the government of Thailand. It’s a hopeful sign for conservationists, whose efforts to save the region’s wildlife are clearly paying off.”

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