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Posts tagged ‘IUCN Cat Specialist Group’

Captive Lion Reintroduction, a ‘Conservation Myth’

Dr. Luke Hunter (President, Panthera)

Business is good for the “lion encounter” industry. There are now dozens of these operations across Africa that sell close encounters with captive lions. Starting at $60 for “a precious twenty minutes” of cub cuddling, and climbing to more than $3,500 for a month of paid “volunteering,” anyone can pay to play with young lions and pose for photos to show the folks back home.

But while cuddling cubs is hard to resist, does it buy any actual conservation? Visitors are promised that, by handing over their cash to cozy up to tame lions, they are helping to save the species in the wild. However, in a recent report written by myself and leading lion scientists working across Africa, we explain that none of these lions are ever set free. They are too tame. If they were to wander into a village or farm looking for a belly rub or a feed, the surprised locals would reach for their rifles or spears.

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