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Posts tagged ‘Big Cats Initiative’

Africa’s Lion Population Plummets by Two Thirds in 50 Years, Study Finds

NBC News (Miguel Llanos)

Africa’s lions are running out of habitat and some populations, especially those in West Africa, are running toward extinction, according to a study published Tuesday.

Using new satellite data, a research team at Duke University found that about 75 percent of Africa’s savannahs were fragmented by farmers and other development in the last 50 years.

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Beverly & Dereck Joubert: Life Lessons From Big Cats

TED Talks

Beverly + Dereck Joubert live in the bush, filming and photographing lions and leopards in their natural habitat. With stunning footage (some never before seen), they discuss their personal relationships with these majestic animals — and their quest to save the big cats from human threats.

Documentary filmmakers Beverly and Dereck Joubert have worked to conserve wildlife for more than 25 years. As National Geographic Explorers in Residence, the couple influences public policy and perceptions.

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Lion Lights Invention by 13-Year-Old Kenyan to Save Big Cats?

National Geographic (Luke Hunter)

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